A morning to remember. Mount Rainier National Park 3819 x 5802
Tallulah Falls, Georgia[]
Golden Light on Half Dome, Yosemite National Park, CA, USA []
Aoraki/Mt Cook–the tallest mountain in New Zealand [4000 x 5702]
Truly earth porn at the Wave in Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona []
San Juan del Cabo, Mexico
Ancient cliff side juniper at Gibraltar Rock, Wisconsin []
Ravens Nest, Maine []
--- Lunar Module-1 being moved into position for mating with Spacecraft Lunar Module Adapter -7 in the Kennedy Space Center's Manned Spacecraft Operations Building in preparation for Apollo 5
The Moon on the 9th February 2022 at 19:35 UTC
Took this on my IPhone 11 w/ Night Mode and a bit of editing
The moon through my Celestron NexStar 8se.
Daytime Moon
I live in Midwest Ohio and have seen this bright object in the sky the last few weeks to the southeast. I assumed a planet but when I check sky map it doesn’t show anything.